Friday, June 3, 2022


Guns in schools are a bad idea.

1. If I wanted to be a cop or a soldier, I would have joined a completely different profession.

2. Schools are filled with children. Children are renowned for their lack of judgment and impulse control. Having firearms near children is a BAD IDEA.

3. Firearms near children would have to be secured. A secured firearm is a firearm that is not within quick arm's reach when an armed lunatic wanders in and starts shooting.

4. I am not going to wear a goddamn pistol on my hip every workday. For reasons, see 1 and 2, above.

5. Guns cost money. A good, dependable gun costs a couple hundred bucks. Will the school pay for this? Hell, I can't even get a budget for science experiments.

6. Guns require cleaning and maintenance. Is the school going to provide me with the time and equipment this will require, and pay for it?

7. Guns require training. Is the school or state going to provide it, soak the cost, and pay me to undergo said training?

8. It has been suggested that "one door" would solve the problem. This would require completely rewriting the fire codes of literally every city I've ever heard of. Is the state going to do this? And if so, will the state take responsibility for the dangers represented by a bottleneck, getting kids out safely, in the case of a non-shooter emergency, like a fire or bomb threat?

9. It has been suggested that "man traps" be implemented. What happens when the kids get caught in them? Or better yet, start throwing EACH OTHER into them? Is the school responsible for this? Is the state going to pay for the personnel to GUARD the man traps?

10. It has been suggested that "beautiful decorative ballistic blankets" be obtained and hung on the walls. I assume this means "bulletproof blankets." Again, who's paying for this?

Is the state going to pay for this? No. They are not going to pay for anything. They've been campaigning for YEARS on the idea of CUTTING school budgets.

The Texas Politician's Manifesto On Guns And Education:

1. "We're not going to do anything about it, but we want to look like we're offering solutions."

2. "Any solutions we DO implement will not involve gun laws."

3. "We aren't going to spend any more money on education, because fuck education, this is TEXAAAAAS!"

4. "Any big education initiative will be unfunded, and simply made mandatory for schools to implement, THEMSELVES, because fuck those people, we need to cut taxes on corporations and rich people."

5. "Any teacher who refuses to do this FOR THE CHILLLLLDREN is de facto proof that this person is a BAD PERSON, a BAD TEACHER, and we're better off without that person in the classroom."

Fun part? It ain't just Texas. This is government on the national level.

They tell me to calm down. I'm not going to calm down. Every time I calm down, things quiet down, and the Republican Party blocks any effort to DO something about this shit, and it happens again. And again. And again. And it will continue to happen, and innocent people and children will continue to be murdered.

And as of now, I personally am holding these legislators responsible. Why not? They could have stopped it. Ages ago. They don't want to.

THEY KNOW WHAT IS AT STAKE. THEY DO NOT CARE. Your lives, and the lives of your children, are less important than their political power.

And this makes them as guilty as the ones who pull the triggers.

Written the week after the Uvalde school massacre, and the same week as the Oklahoma hospital shootings, as well as others.